Introducing Project Geon

Meet the world we will be exploring together.

Have you ever wondered how technologically advanced we would be and what impact that would have on us and our planet within a few hundred years when humanity gains access to magic? Maybe it’s not the aliens we should be afraid of. It will always be us, our hunger for power and the fear of the unknown.

In Geon's world, ambition meets survival's song,

A delicate ballet where magic and mortality belong.

Join us, seekers, on this journey profound,

Where echoes of the Dark War create a timeless sound.

In the vast land of Geon, where the air feels heavy with tales of ages long gone, a timeless story unfolds. A story that tells of people on the edge of extinction. The Geons were a technologically developed species, living in a time before the Dark War and lacking magical powers. But their story took a surprising turn around 3200 Geon’s year (GL) when they stumbled upon something rare and mysterious.

A myth that was told from generation to generation and searched for by many for centuries—the Holy Grail.

This wasn’t the magical source they hoped for. Instead, it was a cup hiding a secret map leading to three magical runes. With the help of an old book called The Book of Ages, the Geons set out to bring magic back to their world. Little did they know that this would set off a chain of events shaping their dark fate.

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2024 ©Ravy Ember Snow


Web design by HOFFE

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2024 ©Ravy Ember Snow


Web design by HOFFE